Monday, January 26, 2009

Upcoming Perfect Form Running Clinic

Training errors and bad running form both contribute to the high rate of injuries among recreational runners. Reports indicate that approximately 65% of runners develop an injury each year, many of which could be avoided. Learn how to increase your performance and decrease your chances of injury using the training theory of how to design an efficient plan to improve your fitness and speed as well as the proper running technique and footwear. A video will be shown on running form analysis, running drills, introduction to dynamic stretching and more. Open to runners of all levels. Wear comfortable running clothing appropriate for the weather and an old pair of running shoes for wear pattern analysis. Please include shoe size when registering.

Clinic will be held April 4, 2009, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at FVPT's Unionville Office for a fee of $35 per person (or $50 if registering two people). Call 860-673-0223 to register by credit card or for more information about the registration process.