Save Energy and Money Running Barefoot
Many years ago shoe companies began a strong marketing campaign to sell shoes to a large growing population of recreational runners. Interestingly, these companies now contribute to a greater than 20 billion dollar industry.
Now, there is another effort to convince runners that barefoot running is best. However, marketing has continued from Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall to Vibram-5-Fingers (about $70.00) to Barefoot Ted selling sandals made of twine and rubber for $70.00 (BarefootTED) (FYI not too long ago they were selling for $20, before the Born to Run "marketing" book came out).
If you want to try running barefoot, run barefoot. You do not need to spend $70.00 and pay for someone else's yacht! Minimally, you can wear aqua socks which you can buy from CVS for $3.00-$5.00.
Running barefoot is biomechanically different from running with shoes. Increasing evidence shows that the biomechanical adaptions associated with barefoot running (compared to runners with shoes) lead to fewer injuries and a lower energy cost (Barefoot Reference). (Yeah you read that correctly, you will spend less energy running when you run barefoot.) Why (you ask)? In short, more studies need to be done. However, I would guess that barefoot runners would have developed more awareness and perception of when their feet hit the ground. This improved coordination would minimize pounding and pushing on the ground, both of which waste energy and cause injuries. Thus, barefoot runners most likely spend most of the time in the air (feet off the ground).
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