Whenever you begin training for a particular goal, remember to let your body recover. Becoming an improved runner should not be a painful experience. During your workout routine, you should never feel so much discomfort that you wish you could just stop. Though many people get the wrong impression due to improper training routines, running and getting back into shape should not be painful at all. If it does hurt, you are doing something wrong or pushing yourself too hard. Improvement is incremental and slow and over-all fitness happens over the long-term. Fitness is not only defined by your ability to run a particular pace, but ALSO how well you feel when you run this pace. So, if your running a 6 minute mile pace and you are huffing and puffing, you are not fit enough to run this pace and your body is telling you to slow down! Huffing and puffing is a clear sign that you are pushing yourself hard! SO, do yourself a favor and LISTEN to your body and train yourself the right way before you go pushing yourself harder than you should!
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